Spend an big day

Celebrate your loved one’s big day at the hotel.


For birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and milestone celebrations, why not get away from the ordinary and spend some time at a hotel?


For your wedding anniversary with your precious wife

Executive twin with a view of Lake Shinji.

No housework today, just relaxation and luxury.

No housework today, just relaxation and luxury.

Go to the park in front of the hotel to see the sunset over Lake Shinji

Dinner is teppanyaki dinner. With Shimane Japanese beef, spiny lobster, delicious food and wine.

At night, it’s time for champagne in your room.


Thank you for your hard work! To celebrate my dad

A Japanese-Western style room where you can stretch your legs and spend a relaxing time

Dad’s favorite liquor. Choose your favorite liquor! Let’s drink

Choose your father’s favorite foods for dinner. A family gathering with a buffet course

At night, relax and heal your tiredness at the hot spring

As usual, go for a walk in the morning. A walk along Lake Shinji is great

A little side trip for sightseeing on the way back